Open-access Río Pastaza as a teaching resource for the development of geographical skills: a teaching experience with First Generation Students


This study describes the didactic experiences carried out to develop geographical competencies in the micro-basin, sub-basin and basin of the Pastaza River. The objective is to propose a route through the natural landscape of the aforementioned area as a resource for the development of these skills. The article describes the phases carried out during the planned tour, as well as its didactic components. The techniques applied were direct and indirect observation, documentary review and rubric with twenty First Generation Students (EPG) from the Pedagogy of History and Social Sciences degree. The results show that the strategies supported the development of disciplinary, professional, academic and attitudinal geographic competencies, which demonstrates the importance of using the real environment as a resource for contextualized learning.

Keywords: competencies; geography; social sciences; higher education

Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra
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