Open-access Play as an experience for the valuation of territorial identity in young people from sacrifice zones.


This case study is the result of a pilot experience of redefining the territorial identity of youth from the Quintero commune, an area called environmental sacrifice, in the Valparaíso region, through a process of identification and construction based on self-perception and the role of citizens and inhabitants of the place from the digital memory. The objective of this paper is to show gamification as a transmedia learning experience, and the problem-based teaching-learning methodology (ABP), in the construction of youth narratives that inhabit vulnerable areas. This educational innovation model was developed with game dynamics supported by digital culture practices for the creation of content based on a participatory and collective dynamic. The students who voluntarily participated in the event belong to five subsidized and public educational establishments in the area, who experienced three clinics called: Digital Creativity, Digital Entrepreneurship and Digital Memory in which they co-created their proposals. The case study presented in this article accounts for the last of them. Among the main findings, it is possible to highlight the narrative and creative capacities of youth to modify the negative self-perception of the place they inhabit and move towards a valuation of themselves and their environment through the hybridity of the use of technology for the educational purpose. Finally, it is possible to state that gamification contributes to problem solving, collaborative learning and the reconstruction of meanings for a new story from the subjectivity of the new public space.

Keywords: Youths; narratives; gamification; learning

Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra
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