It is widely known that language plays an essential role in communication in all aspects of life, and in the educational realm, it serves as a crucial means of conveying ideas, experiences, and knowledge. SFL is a linguistic theory that can enhance pedagogical practices and promote equity in culturally and linguistically diverse contexts. This theoretical article aims to reflect on how SFL can contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexity of language as a resource for meaning making. In this regard, two main dimensions will be addressed: firstly, SFL will be presented as a theoretical tool which regards language as a whole; secondly, a specific analysis of SFL and its applicability in the educational context will be conducted. This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the importance of SFL in teacher training, highlighting its potential to enhance teaching and foster equity in diverse educational settings. This article examine the principles and educational applications of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) using the context of teacher training at the university level as an example.
Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics; university context; pedagogy; educational equity