Open-access Digital convergence in the teaching-learning process of special education


The incorporation of technological innovations in the educational field has been taking place transversally in teaching strategies and communication processes at all educational levels. Attached to the new times and with a view to contributing to the growth of the educational system of the Dominican Republic, this review of the literature is presented, whose objective was to analyze the influence of digital convergence in the teaching-learning process in the area of ​​education. special education. It was carried out applying the content analysis technique, taking into account trends, conceptualizations and recommendations for the approach and development of skills in students with special educational needs through the use of ICT. Among the results, it is highlighted that digital tools are of great importance in the teaching process for children with a special condition, in addition, the consulted authors recommend that teaching work must adapt to technological innovations, both from training programs and in daily activities in schools.

Keywords: digital convergence; special education; teaching-learning; digital tools; ICT

Universidad Abierta para Adultos
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