Open-access Word clouds as an innovative resource for the development of digital competencies in students of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador


The good practice develop digital skills in students of the Research Curricular Axis IV through the design of word clouds as an innovative teaching resource. It was done in the Pedagogical Experimental University Libertador in Turmero -Aragua State - Venezuela during term 2022-1. To carry out the activity the Wordart-Creator tool was used that digital tool allows the design of word clouds for free and a high level of usability. The participants were seven student teachers of three different majors. The data was collected through interaction on Whatsapp using written and oral message. This resource was used with the purpose of showing key words visually those words were about the importance of the socialization of the research as a process attached to the investigative practice linked to the teaching career. At the same time, another goal of this research was the acquisition of digital competencies by the students and the assessment of the possible applications of this resource with other curricular contents.The use of the tool was assessed positively. The students reflected about the factor that favored the accomplishment of the activity such as the viewing of tutorial videos and to follow instructions, the main challenges were represented by internet connectivity and the lack of the experience to use the digital tool.

Keywords: word clouds; research; digital competencies; higher education

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