Open-access Design and Validation of an Instrument to Measure University Faculty Perceptions Regarding ICT


Responding to global trends in the inclusion of technologies in education, through the mediation of the teacher, this research aims to design and validate an instrument to measure teachers’ perception of ICT and its impact on meaningful learning. The design began with the dimensions obtained from theoretical triangulation and data collected from a qualitative stage, which underwent review by a linguist. The instrument underwent expert judgment to review content validation using the Lawshe (1975) method. The reliability, calculated with Cronbach’s Alpha, was .973. The construct validity was conducted using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) technique, employing the principal components method with orthogonal rotation. Finally, the questionnaire comprises 31 items across 6 dimensions and evaluates teachers’ perception regarding the use of ICT to enhance their teaching practice.

Keywords: ICT; significant learning; pedagogical practice; technologies; teaching practice

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña
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