Open-access Scientific Competencies of Secondary Science Teachers from Dominican Republic


Today's education must encourage students to develop adequate scientific literacy that will enable them to learn how to solve specific problems. In this sense, this research evaluates the scientific competencies of natural science teachers at the secondary level, belonging to the educational district 06-03 of Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. The evaluation process is carried out through the application of a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire, reconstructed by the researcher, using as a basis the Test validated by Kazeni (2005) and some items released from the PISA test. As a general conclusion, teachers reflect low levels of proficiency in all the competencies evaluated, so it is recommended to strengthen the scientific competencies of natural science teachers and innovate the didactic methodologies implemented.

Keywords: Teacher competencies; scientific method; learning; education; science education

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña
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