Open-access Conceptual Model for Teaching and Learning University Mathematics


Given the disciplinary, pedagogical, public, and institutional policy challenges faced in the design of subjects, the aim of this article is to propose a conceptual model for the teaching and learning processes of university mathematics, aiming to improve academic performance. This improvement is achieved through a combination of didactic, pedagogical, and disciplinary attributes. The qualitative methodology employed encompasses four phases: analysis of keyword co-occurrence and an integrative review of the literature, analysis of public policies, formulation of a conceptual model, and its initial application. The results have been developed in a preliminary version of a conceptual model for the learning and teaching of university mathematics, represented by a hexagonal cluster diagram with two axes. Early assessments indicate positive acceptance and offer an opportunity to evaluate the model's impact, along with the design of appropriate indicators.

Keywords: conceptualization; educational quality; educational indicators; mathematics education; learning methods.

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña
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