Open-access Attitudes Towards Formative Research: Exploratory Analysis in Research Groups


Attitudes towards research play a central role in the development of research skills, making it an emerging field of study. Therefore, the objective of this article was to identify the components of attitudes towards formative research among students involved in a virtual research group. An exploratory cross-sectional study was designed for this purpose. The sample consisted of 32 students participating in a virtual research group, selected through non-probabilistic sampling. The results indicate that students hold a positive attitude towards formative research and that the virtual research group serves as an effective pedagogical strategy to promote this attitude. Additionally, the development of research skills was found to be crucial for enhancing educational quality. In conclusion, it is recommended to further enhance research skills in order to improve educational quality and develop more competent professionals.

Keywords: attitudes; formative research; research groups; measurement.

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña
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