Open-access Incidence of motivation on the academic performance of students in the academic remediation program: an approach from neuroeducation


The present research analyzes the incidence of motivation in the academic performance of students in the academic recovery program (para) from the neuroeducation approach. the total population was 250 students, all with the condition of low academic performance, during the 2017-2 educational period. It is a non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational study, the mape-3 instrument was used (questionnaire of evaluation of motivation towards learning or performance in university students, the sample was represented by 50 students, being 11 of them male and 39 of the female sex, in ages from 18 to 45 years old. As a result, it was found that fear of failure and external motivation are significantly correlated for decision making, with no correspondence between the results of motivation to learn, willingness to make an effort and desire to succeed. The existing motivation in the students with low academic performance participating in the pair, related to learning, is found in high percentages, which, in general terms, provides great opportunities to complete a university degree. According to the findings found in this research, these are not conclusive in their totality to affirm the incidence of motivation in academic performance, however, the following was evidenced in our students: fear of failure, lack of external motivation and fear affects learning and memory.

Keywords: Research; scientific publication; writing skills; university

Universidad Abierta para Adultos
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