Open-access State of the Art of Research on Classical and Modern Physics in the Period 2016 - 2021


The objective of this article is to elaborate a State of the Art of Research on Classical and Modern Physics in the Period 2016 - 2021 of the Mathematical Physics Career of the UNAN Managua - FAREM Estelí, to propose possible topics that can be addressed with students of V year taking into consideration two lines of research, which are Education for Development and Applications of Exact Sciences. The research was characterized by following a qualitative and documentary methodology in which two great Heuristic and Hermeneutic moments were taken up. The categories of systematization of the information on the degree works were presented for the facilitation of future researches in the subject of Physics. Thirty-four researches in the area of Physics were found, which were synthesized through a thorough reading to classify them by year, type, place of application and methodology. From this, it was possible to propose to the Department of Education Sciences and Humanities new and innovative topics for undergraduate work, making this study a reference for the coming years and working on areas of interest such as celestial bodies, quantum physics and fluid mechanics.

Keywords: Physics; Physical sciences; Learning; Research; Methodology

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