Open-access School Management with an Inclusive Approach at the Macro, Meso and Micro-Curricular Levels: Experiences from a Case Study


Educational contexts have become key scenarios for addressing diversity through inclusive approaches; this compromises relevant and effective managerial and teaching management. The objective of this research is to explore its implementation at macro, meso and micro-curricular levels in an educational institution. A qualitative case study metholology was developed under the interpretive paradigm. Data were collected through interviews, participant observation and documentary review. The results suggest that school management that favors educational inclusion and attention to diversity, leads, organizes, plans and evaluates educational processes in line with management tools and inclusive educational public policy, so that the construction of Learning at a micro-curricular level is accompanied by effective pedagogical practices, with significant intentionality focused on diversity.

Keywords: curriculum specification; school management; educational inclusion; diversity

Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña
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