Open-access Differentiated attitudes towards ICT in university teaching, before and after the pandemic


This paper comparatively analyzes the attitudes of teachers towards the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in two moments in time: before the pandemic and once it began. A mixed methods study was carried out with the participation of 350 university professors from three Argentine universities. A previously validated questionnaire was administered, together with an open response item. The quantitative information was analyzed using the SPSS software and the R platform for statistical analysis, while the qualitative data obtained in response to the open question were analyzed using the IRaMuTeQ software. The results show changes in the attitudes of the teachers of the three institutions, in the sense of a more favorable predisposition towards the use of technologies, together with greater knowledge and a more positive assessment of them. From this, it can be inferred that the urgent need to use ICTs almost as the only resource to sustain the pedagogical bond during the period of sanitary isolation led to an increase in knowledge and mastery of them (cognitive dimension) and, consequently, to a safe use (behavioral dimension) that led to a more positive assessment of them (affective dimension).

Keywords: Attitudes; Technology of the Information and Communication; University Teacher; Pandemic

Universidad Abierta para Adultos
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